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Once upon a time in Williamsburg, when any fool could start a rap group, I became aware of Brian Blomerth’s art. He’d made some posters for some friends’ bands, and I’d seen his comic “Pups in Trouble,” around the internet. I found his anthro-pups improbably sexy. 10+ years later, I’m browsing in an excellent art book store in the Brussels neighborhood of Châtelain when Mr. Blomerth’s new graphic novel suggests itself into my hands.
Since I last checked in, Mr. Blomerth’s art has grown wings. Fans of chemistry, LSD, and colors in general will find Bicycle Day a lovely place to get lost. I did. And I find myself returning to it, too. You see, I spent a lot of time as a kid poring over the kind of illustrated books that demanded repeat inspection, those which seemed to have a nearly inexhaustible supply of new things to notice; intricacy drew me in and kept me gripped, much to the delight, I’m sure, of my parents, who could count on a few hours of quiet in these situations. Bicycle Day isn’t a kids’ book. But right now it’s taking me back there.